The way people buy has changed.

Today’s B2B buyers want to consume high-quality content, gather insights, and solicit advice from peers - before ever talking to sales.

The challenge is that the percentage of businesses in your marketplace that are ready to buy is very small.

The 3% rule

Only 3% are ready to buy .png

Did you know? Only 3-5% of your market is buying at any given time.

Yet most B2B marketers focus all their efforts on that 3% - capturing demand.

While you’re focusing on the 3%, the 97% are still watching. They’re educating themselves, learning about pain points, and starting to trust the experts.

Slowly, that 97% turns into the 3%.

If you haven’t invested in reaching them, you’ll miss out. Because someone else is grabbing their attention, educating them, and being a valuable resource to them.

So how do you create consistent, and sustainable demand that enables you to accurately forecast each quarter’s revenue?

The missing piece?

You need to engage your ideal customers wherever they are in the buyer journey to build trust and credibility with your brand.

This helps make you the number one choice for when they’re ready to buy. How do you achieve this? Demand-gen content marketing.

We use a number of frameworks and methodologies, which we follow in everything we do for our customers that have been proven to drive significant results.

Our frameworks

We collaborated with Nottingham Trent University to create a framework for B2B demand generation (aka demand gen) for content marketing.

Our purpose: To discover how to win today’s B2B buyers in the era of self-service sales. Read more about our framework here.

We use this framework in combination with other B2B best practice frameworks and methods, like those below.

  • Our framework to generate more leads and convert more sales opportunities.

    The RACE Framework

    B2B data and tech marketing require content at varying levels of awareness. Some of your target audience may not even know there is an option for a solution like yours yet. Meanwhile, you might have customers at later stages of the funnel comparing your solution to solutions. That’s why we follow an industry-recognised framework to capture existing demand and create new demand.

  • Our model to generate demand for your solutions and win more sales.

    Content Strategies

    Google has made huge changes to the way search results appear. Our content methodologies align to this and ensure every piece ties into and supports your broader strategy. From research, to writing, and distribution we make your content findable, readable, and highly engaging. This ensures you connect with the right buyers at the right time with the right message.